KDM-Alert Walk-through, never get caught out missing a KDM resulting in a failed show.

1 February 2023
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1 February 2023, Comments: Comments Off on KDM-Alert Walk-through, never get caught out missing a KDM resulting in a failed show.

In this video, I walk through the KDM-Alert free tool available to Cinema Exhibitors to make running a cinema less time-consuming. This tool will automatically scan your DCI-Cinema-Players to make sure all scheduled shows have KDMs allowing them to play, and warn you in advance if a problem exists. No more last-minute rush to find a KDM for a show that fails to run. With KDM-Alert, you have know days in advance if there is a problem.

Also see tool AutoKDM. This tool automatically reads your Email and ingests all KDMs into the target players. Full walk-through: https://youtu.be/zjN9h2T82js

To install these tools, see the installation instructions on GitHub: https://github.com/jamiegau/cinema-catcher-app

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