CC14 - 12 - ICTA - The Road to Open Standards for Immersive Audio - 8 - Questions

16 April 2014
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16 April 2014, Comments: Comments Off on CC14 – 12 – ICTA – The Road to Open Standards for Immersive Audio – 8 – Questions

This is a must see panel on those interested in the future of Audio in the cinema. It will surprise you just how close we are to an open standard and how we are likely to see it this year. I urge you to watch these videos if you are keen on getting to Immersive Audio.

Please note, I have other videos covering how the vendors already have implementations of the proposed standard already operational. SMPTE only needs to approve the documents and implementation. This is expected to happen quickly as it is based on a working implementation by DTS with Dolby adding there input into the standard to ensure it answers all the requirements and equivalent in capability to Atmos and other Immersive audio implementations you may have already experienced.

Authoring vendors such as Fairlight and Protools also have tools in place to allow the creation of MDA files already in place based on outboard tools. They expect to integrate more then 7.1 sound file creation in future releases of their tool-sets.
Panel Description:
Confusion has arisen in the market place surrounding immersive audio and open standards. The goal of this panel is to inform you — the exhibitor — what open standards for immersive audio means. You will hear from all the major players who will provide concise information on what each of them are doing to support open standards and what this means to you and your investment in immersive audio.

Topics to be covered will include:
What is “open standards?”
Why do we need “open standards?”
What does this mean to my existing investment in immersive audio?
How long will this standard take to implement?

This panel will be followed by an open Q&A.

Moderator: Pete Lude, Chairman, SMPTE Immersive

Standardization Group Panel Members:
Dean Bullock, Director, Technology Strategy, Cinema, Dolby Laboratories
Brian Claypool, Senior Director of Strategic Business Development, Barco
Barry Ferrell, Senior Vice President/Chief Strategy Officer, QSC Audio Products
John Kellogg, Senior Director Corporate Strategy & Development, DTS
Jerry Pierce, Technology Consultant, NATO

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