Subscribe to CineTechGeek

The best way to keep up to date with CineTechGeek is to subscribe.  There are a number of different options.

  1. New Post MailingList:  When subscribed, you will be emailed when a new post appears.
  2. NewsLetter mailing list:  This is a simple Email mailing list that I only post to every month or say at most.
    Click here to subscribe.
  3. YouTube channel subscription:  If your a big Youtube fan, it may be best to simply subscribe the the CineTechGeek Channel on youtube.  Once you do so, you will get updates on CineTechGeek videos with your Youtube updates.
    Click here for the CineTechGeek youtube channel front page and Subscribe options.
  4. RSS feed:  Use the RSS feed in your favourate news reader program.  This would be suitable to set up in Feedly or similar news reading software.
    The RSS feed URL is: