NAB 2014 - 6 - FOC5 - Business models drive technology

24 May 2014
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Category: cinemas, NAB, NAB2014
24 May 2014, Comments: Comments Off on NAB 2014 – 6 – FOC5 – Business models drive technology

The Future of Cinema
Date: Saturday, April 5 , 2014
2:00 pm – 3:00 pm

Part of: The Future of Cinema

Location: S222

Education Program:
Technology Summit on Cinema

The digital cinema conversion has been a success, with some 113,000 cinemas worldwide converted to digital projection at the end of 2013. It has been a costly conversion, requiring an investment upwards of US$8B, but also one of the most seamless conversions in history – at least viewed from afar.

Moving cinemas into the digital age, however, is only the first step. 3-D was the first advance to take advantage of digital projection, and arguably one of the reasons for the rapid adoption of digital cinema. Higher frame rates have also been introduced, as well as immersive sound and motion seats. And now the industry is discussing high dynamic range and wider color gamut for cinema. With so many choices in technology available to tell a story, what advice would one give to a director? How far can current-day digital cinema systems be stretched without wholesale replacement? What is the impact of all of this on the distribution channel? And how will the cinema monetize additional investment in newer technologies?

To tell this story, we invite you to join a roundtable discussion with a select group of industry visionaries, exploring the latest advances in picture and sound and the impact on the production, distribution, and exhibition of motion pictures.

Michael Karagosian, President, MKPE Consulting LLC

Matt Cowan , Chief Engineer, Entertainment Technology Canada Ltd.
Rob Hummel , President, Group 47
David Keighley, CQO, IMAX
Howard Lukk, VP, Production Technology, The Walt Disney Studios
Steve Weinstein , CTO, Deluxe Entertainment Services Group

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