Hello cinema owners. As the crisis deepens, it is becoming more apparent, as a small cinema owners, to survive the coming months we need to do more with less. In this video I discuss how we can do more with the Pre-show.
I discuss ideas on lifting our showmanship and to drive patrons to come back with custom pre-show techniques. I also cover how to overcome the initial processes you need to learn.
- Editing a video
- Image manipulation
- and advice on how to make the DCPs used by your digital cinema projectors.
DCP-O-Matic: https://dcpomatic.com/
Resolve: https://www.blackmagicdesign.com/products/davinciresolve/
GIMP: https://www.gimp.org/downloads/
Promoted by SCO (Small Cinema Ownerss) https://www.smallcinemaowners.com.au/