NAB 2015, Standards in Cinema: CineCert, IMF is our focus
In this video I talk to John Hurst from CineCert. John wrote the ubiquitous open source library called asdcplib used in all DCI digital […]
NAB 2015, Standards in Cinema: DTS-X a new Immersive Audio Product from DTS
Kevin Doohan, Chief Marketing Officer at DTS, tell us about their new announcement of DTS-X for Cinema, home, and headphones. DTS-X is interesting as […]
NAB 2015, Standards in Cinema: SGO Mistika on HDR and ACES
Steve from SGO the creators of Mistike discusses with me the evolution of the product. After doing the Lord of the Rings in 3D […]
NAB 2015, Standards in Cinema: Autodesk focus on realtime feedback and creative features
Marcus Schioler, senior industry manager, Autodesk takes us through Autodesk’s vision (for Flame). From a focus on real time feedback to creative workspaces that […]